Established in Honolulu, Hawaii
Founder and president, Sensei Chuzo Kotaka, established the International Karate Federation (IKF) in 1966, here in Honolulu, Hawaii. He was born on November 11, 1941 in Hyogoken, Japan. He began his karate training at the age of seven under Sensei Genryu Kimura. Towards the end of his high school career he also learned under a well-known master named Soke Shogo Kuniba.
In 1962, Sensei Kotaka won the All Japan Karate Championship, the most prestigious karate tournament in Japan, even to this today. The All Japan Championship title was his most notable accomplishment but there were many other prestigious titles he accomplished. He won the West All Japan title from 1962-63 and the All Japan Seishinkai from 1960-62. He was also nominated as Co-MVP in 1960 along with Master Tetsuhiko Asai. This tournament had brought together the best fighters from each of the 4 major styles at the Osaka Namba Furitsu Taikai.
In 1965, Sensei Kotaka, at the age of 23, came to Hawaii on a goodwill tour to teach karate around world. Master Chojiro Tani, founder of Shukokai, asked Sensei Kotaka if he would like to become a professional karate teacher. Kotaka Sensei went through a rigorous teaching and training schedule for over one year before he was allowed to travel abroad. His first stop was in Honolulu, Hawaii and then he had plans to go to Australia and South Africa in the years to come. Sensei Kotaka fell in love with the island of Oahu and decided to stay there permanently. After one year on Oahu he decided to make Hawaii his new home. In 1966, International Karate Federation (IKF) was established, and the style Kotaka-Ha Shito-ryu was born.
Since the opening of IKF's first dojo, Kotaka-Ha Shito-Ryu has grown statewide, to the continental United States, Japan, and India. Sensei Kotaka has produced some of the highest level athletes among the elite karate world. IKF has been the only karate school in the United States to produce two WKF World Champions. Since the year 2000, IKF has produced medals in each of the last 6 WKF World Championships that no other school has been able to do.